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The Robotics Divide: A New Frontier in the 21st Century?

From Springer

[PDF.qy28] The Robotics Divide: A New Frontier in the 21st Century?

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 | #8684098 in Books |  2013-06-20 |  2013-06-20 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.25 x.52 x6.10l,.72 | File type: PDF | 221 pages

|| ||Aus den Rezensionen:| “... Interessante Gedanken zur strategischen Rolle der Wissenschaft und Technologie in der Gesellschaft sowie zur gegenseitigen Beeinflussung von Technologie und Wissenschaft werden gestellt. ...“(in: BulletinSEV/VSE, He

Societies survive in their environment and compete with each other depending on the technology they develop. Economic, military and political power are directly related to the available technology, while access to technology is key to the well-being of our societies at the individual, community and national level.

The Robotics Divide analyzes how robotics will shape our societies in the twenty-first century; a time when industrial and service robotics, p...

You can specify the type of files you want, for your device.The Robotics Divide: A New Frontier in the 21st Century?   |  From Springer. A good, fresh read, highly recommended.

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