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MCDST 70-272 Exam Cram 2: Supporting Users & Troubleshooting Desktop Applications on a Windows XP Operating System

Diana Huggins, Ed Tittel

[PDF.gv34] MCDST 70-272 Exam Cram 2: Supporting Users & Troubleshooting Desktop Applications on a Windows XP Operating System

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MCDST 70-272 Exam Cram  Diana Huggins, Ed Tittel audiobook
MCDST 70-272 Exam Cram  Diana Huggins, Ed Tittel book review
MCDST 70-272 Exam Cram  Diana Huggins, Ed Tittel summary

 | #6463216 in Books |  2004-05-29 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  8.92 x.86 x5.98l,1.15 | File type: PDF | 360 pages

||6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.| The book is good, but I don't like the CD.|By Tech Dude|I read the book over the weekend to brush up on my skills and to get an idea of what the test would be like. As I went through the book I also did the quizzes at the end of each chapter and missed only 3-4 questions out of the entire book (100+ questions) so I was feeling pretty confident.
I then installed the CD and|About the Author|| Diana Huggins is currently an independent contractor providing both technical writing and consulting services. Prior to this, she worked as a senior systems consultant. Some of the projects she worked on include a security review of Mic

The new Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician (MCDST) credential proves that you have the skills to successfully support end users and successfully troubleshoot desktop environments running on Windows XP. MCDST candidates must pass two core exams (70-271 and 70-272). The 70-272 exam, when combined with the 70-271 (the operating system exam for desktop support technicians), validates that a candidate can successfully answer (or escalate) all calls from end use...

You can specify the type of files you want, for your gadget.MCDST 70-272 Exam Cram 2: Supporting Users & Troubleshooting Desktop Applications on a Windows XP Operating System   |  Diana Huggins, Ed Tittel. Which are the reasons I like to read books. Great story by a great author.

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