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Foundations Of Artificial Intelligence

From A Bradford Book

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 | #5880694 in Books |  1991-11-14 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  10.20 x.60 x7.60l,1.70 | File type: PDF | 364 pages

||From the Back Cover|In these eleven contributions, theorists historically associated with each position identify the basic tenets of their position. They discuss the underlying principles, describe the natural types of problems and tasks in which their approach

Have the classical methods and ideas of AI outlived their usefulness? Foundations of Artificial Intelligence critically evaluates the fundamental assumptions underpinning the dominant approaches to AI. In the 11 contributions, theorists historically associated with each position identify the basic tenets of their position. They discuss the underlying principles, describe the natural types of problems and tasks in which their approach succeeds, explain where its power ...

You can specify the type of files you want, for your device.Foundations Of Artificial Intelligence   |  From A Bradford Book. I really enjoyed this book and have already told so many people about it!

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