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Executive SpeedBriefings: Licensing Software - Need to Know Information About the Contract, Pricing & Making Sure Your Interests as a Licensee Are Better Protected

Edward Naughton

[PDF.yy33] Executive SpeedBriefings: Licensing Software - Need to Know Information About the Contract, Pricing & Making Sure Your Interests as a Licensee Are Better Protected

Executive SpeedBriefings: Licensing Software  Edward Naughton epub
Executive SpeedBriefings: Licensing Software  Edward Naughton pdf download
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Executive SpeedBriefings: Licensing Software  Edward Naughton audiobook
Executive SpeedBriefings: Licensing Software  Edward Naughton book review
Executive SpeedBriefings: Licensing Software  Edward Naughton summary

 | #17637243 in Books |  2005-10-31 | Original language:English | Binding: CD-ROM


The goal of this Executive SpeedBriefing is to quickly and efficiently provide you with critical information on the provisions of licensing software, addressing the processes to safeguard your interests as a licensee. The 45 minute speech has been produced on CD-ROM and can be viewed in PowerPoint by any PC-based computer. Upon completion of viewing the SpeedBriefing, you will have a solid grasp of the big picture concepts to understand the provisions of licensing softwa...

You easily download any file type for your device.Executive SpeedBriefings: Licensing Software - Need to Know Information About the Contract, Pricing & Making Sure Your Interests as a Licensee Are Better Protected   |  Edward Naughton. A good, fresh read, highly recommended.

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