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Computational Intelligence for Agent-based Systems (Studies in Computational Intelligence)

From Springer

[PDF.vi89] Computational Intelligence for Agent-based Systems (Studies in Computational Intelligence)

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 | #16612743 in Books |  2007-09-14 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.00 x6.00 x.75l,1.21 | File type: PDF | 263 pages

||From the Back Cover||In these last years the digital technology explosion has spawned so many new lifestyle models that the boundaries between "real" and "digital" are fiercely debated. This scenario has deeply changed the viewpoint about computer applications:

The scope of this volume is to give to the reader a wide scenario of recent works characterized by a synergistic combination of Soft Computing area with recent trends of Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Ambient Intelligence. The editors present two basic paradigms: the emergence of computational intelligence as a mature and integrated science, and the power of the agent paradigm in realizing complex and distributed environments. This book explores these emergin...

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