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An Introduction to Cryptography, Second Edition (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)

Richard A. Mollin

[PDF.ll60] An Introduction to Cryptography, Second Edition (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)

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An Introduction to Cryptography,  Richard A. Mollin book review
An Introduction to Cryptography,  Richard A. Mollin summary

 | #2353009 in Books |  Chapman and Hall/CRC |  2006-09-18 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.32 x1.10 x6.52l,1.65 | File type: PDF | 413 pages


||4 of 5 people found the following review helpful.| daunting|By Harry Pandolfino|This is a textbook designed for a one semester undergraduate course in cryptography. This makes it seem a little tamer than what it is. Crypto buffs will enjoy it, and there is little here than is not in some other advanced texts. What is of value is a section on RIJNDAEL, the new advanced encryption standard.
Useful as a starting point but| |Praise for the First Edition:|…Mollin has written a readable text on a subject that can be challenging. It deserves your attention.| - The Cryptogram

This is a great book! It can be used in many ways: for a university course at one extreme, a

Continuing a bestselling tradition, An Introduction to Cryptography, Second Edition provides a solid foundation in cryptographic concepts that features all of the requisite background material on number theory and algorithmic complexity as well as a historical look at the field.

With numerous additions and restructured material, this edition presents the ideas behind cryptography and the applications of the subject. The first chapter provides a thorough treatment ...

You can specify the type of files you want, for your device.An Introduction to Cryptography, Second Edition (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)   |  Richard A. Mollin. I was recommended this book by a dear friend of mine.

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